Food for Kherson

Delivering food kits to people in need in Russian-occupied Kherson, including the unemployed and those with disabilities.

FUNDRAISING GOAL REACHED: As a result of the liberation of Kherson by the the Ukrainian Army, we are no longer raising funds for this cause. Please note that any further donations made to this cause will be used to support other Global Synergy Group initiatives supporting Ukraine. We thank you for your support!

Kherson is a region of Ukraine currently under occupation by the Russians.

At the start of the war, our NGO partner Kherson Regional Charitable Foundation “Union” (KRCF “Union”) shifted their focus away from community development and anti-corruption initiatives, toward providing food to those most in need.

Your donations will be used to purchase food kits from Ukrainian entrepreneurs and deliver them to families with little or no income as a result of the war, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Since February 24, there has been no official "green" corridor for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Kherson, and many people in the region are without work, sufficient food, and other essentials.

Together, we have already helped over 400 families.

This work is only possible thanks to the enormous bravery and ingenuity of volunteers in the region who risk their lives every day. To learn more about the horrific conditions of life under occupation, please read Anastasia’s story on our blog.

About the Food for Kherson Team

Dues to safety concerns, we are unable to share any personal details of our team in Kherson.

Prior to the invasion, Kherson Regional Charitable Foundation “Union” was working in the spheres of community development, open data development, and anti-corruption initiatives. Over the years, the team has worked with a number of international organizations in pursuit of these goals, including the British Council, the UN Peacebuilding and Reconstruction Program in Ukraine, NED (National Endowment for Democracy), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in Ukraine, and the US Embassy in Ukraine.

Today, the team is focused on providing food kits to those most in need, as well as trying to share the stories of those living through this terrible war.

To learn more about life under Russian occupation, please read Anastasia’s story.

How You Can Help

Support this cause by donating to it! Your donations go towards paying for food kits, usually consisting of vegetables, bread, canned foods, and dairy products. These essentials are then delivered to those people who need it most in Kherson (pensioners, large families, people with disabilities, etc.)

Reach out to and we’d be happy to provide more information on this initiative.

“The only thing we can do now is to help the people of Kherson by providing them with the tools for survival, and to not let them despair! Our support gives them the strength not to give up and to wait for the Ukrainian Army and freedom.”

— KRCF “Union” Founder

Kherson is a region of agrarians. All products used in food kits are purchased from local farmers and entrepreneurs.

Brave volunteers risk their lives to deliver food kits to those who need it most in Kherson.